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Privacy policy

General Information
The subject of this Privacy Policy is the use of this Service and the sites, functions and performances offered as part of the Service, regardless of the domains, systems, platforms (e.g. web or Facebook) and devices (e.g. desktop or mobile) on which the Service is carried out.
Information on the Service Provider can be found at the end of this Privacy Policy.
In addition to this Privacy Policy our Terms of Service apply.
Personally Identifiable Data - This kind of data can be used to uniquely identify, contact, or locate a single person or can be used with other sources to uniquely identify a single individual (e.g. names, e-mail-addresses).
Pseudonymous Data - The pseudonymous data identifies a holder, that is, one or more human beings who possess but do not disclose their true names (e.g. "user5623").
Cookies - A cookie is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored in a user's web browser while a user is browsing a website. When the user browses the same website in the future, the data stored in the cookie can be retrieved by the website to notify the website of the user's previous activity. We use Cookies in order to improve the usability of our services as well as for analyzing and personalizing purposes. Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually refuse cookies or selectively accept certain cookies by adjusting the preferences in your browser. If you turn off cookies, there may some features of our site that will not be available to you and some web pages may not display properly. You may opt-out from many ad-serving cookies by using the services provided by or for users form the European Union.
IP Address - An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each device (e.g., computer, printer) participating in the Internet. We store the IP address only, if it is necessary to provide a service or if may be legally necessary.
General Information on Data Protection
We will collect, process and use personally identifiable data beyond the scope already permitted by law and without your required further consent only to the extent necessary for the conclusion and execution of a contractual relationship, performing requests or for billing purposes.
Usage data, such as information regarding start and end dates and the scope of the use of certain services and/or communication data will only be collected, processed and used if this is necessary to make available and invoice such services.
To protect your personally identifiable data collected and processed by us from unauthorized access and abuse, we have put a number of technical and organizational security measures in place. These security measures are monitored on a regular basis and updated according to technical progress as necessary.
As provided for by applicable provisions we are entitled to disclose and submit data for criminal prosecution and risk prevention purposes.
During every visit of our Services information about IP address, referring URL, date/time, browser version and operating system is stored in the web server log files due to technical and security reasons.
Collection, Processing and Use of Personally Identifiable Data
We collect and process your personal data within the scope of your registration and the service. In particular, this may involve storing your name, your address details, email address and your password. You can voluntarily enter additional personal data when you set up an extended user account.
Your personal data are used for the following purposes:
· The provision of our services and within them the acceptance, processing and execution of your orders.
· Ensuring an efficient customer service and / or technical support for your products. When you contact us your details will be stored in order to process the enquiry and in case additional questions arise.
  • Technical notifications concerning our service.
· Sending newsletters or other advertising material, providing that you have given us your corresponding approval.
If users sign up using the Facebook authentication functions, the Facebook ID of the users will be stored.
If the Service is carried out as a Facebook application, the permission of users is required for the Service Provider to access their stored data on Facebook. Users are expressly referred in the context of the Facebook consent dialog to this data collection and the data shared by Facebook with the Service Provider (public profile, friends list, e-mail address and "Like" information) through the application. Users are referred to Facebook’s privacy policy for more information about the consent process, consent granted and ways of revoking such consent within their Facebook profile. Users have the option in the Facebook application settings to end their use of the Service at any time.
Should a user establish contact with the Service Provider (via the contact form or e-mail), the information provided by the user will be stored for the purpose of processing the request and for the event that follow-up questions arise.
Registration through authentication services of third parties
Users can register and log in by using authentication services of third parties, as far as these are available (hereinafter referred to as "authentication by a third party"). Particularly Facebook, Google+ or Twitter can be possible authentication service providers.
As requirement for the authentication through a third party, users should be registered at the respective third party and enter the necessary login details in the appropriate web formula or should be already logged in to the third party.
In the context of a registration, the Service Provider receives a user-ID with the information under which the user with this user ID is logged in and an ID that cannot be further used by the Service Provider (User Handle). Whether the Service Provider receives further data depends only on the user who uses the authentication by a third party, the data that is selected to be released in the context of the authentication, and which data has been authorised by the user in the privacy or other settings of the user account at the third party. The data can differ, depending on the provider and the selections of the user; normally these are the e-mail address and the user name. In case of Facebook, this is also the - so called - "public profile information" that can be seen by everyone. This includes the name, profile and cover picture, gender, networks (i.e. school or working place), user name (Facebook URL) and user identification number (Facebook ID).
The password that has been entered in the context of the authentication by a third party cannot be seen by the Service Provider, neither can it be saved by the Service Provider.
The users are asked to keep in mind that their data, which is saved by the Service Provider, can be compared and synchronized with their user account at the third party automatically. There is no obligation however for the Service Provider to update the data.
In the case that users decide that they do not wish to further use the connection of their user account at the third party for the authentication by a third party, they must cancel this connection within their user account at the third party. If the users wish to delete their data at the Service Provider, they must cancel their account at the Service Provider.
During the use of authentication by a third party, the users are asked to keep in mind the applicable Terms of Use, as well as the Rules for Data Use of the third party. These can be found: Twitter (,, Google (, Facebook (
Sending Information by Newsletter and Email
Newsletters and emails that are not service-related, are not fulfilling our duties to perform our service and contain advertisement will only be send to you, if you have given us your prior consent.
The content of the newsletter or email follows from its respective description. If no description is available, the content sent comprises information about us and our services, as well as information on our events or third party information and events.
If you no longer want to receive our newsletter you can opt to stop receiving it at any time. Opt-out possibilities are included in each mail and may also be changed within your account settings.
You also give us the consent to store your IP addresses and the timestamp as part of the sign-up process. We are legally bound to record the log-on process so as to be able to verify that logging on is done in accordance with regulations.
Server Log-Files
During every visit of our Service information about IP address, referring URL, date/time, browser version and operating system, amount and state of transferred data is stored in the web server log files.
We use the log data without any other personal or pseudonymous profiling as required by law only for the purpose of the operation, security and optimization of our service
Incorporation of third party services and content
Third party content, such as videos from YouTube, map material from Google Maps, RSS feeds and graphics from other Services, for example, can be incorporated on the Service.
This always presupposes that the provider of this content (hereafter referred to as the “third party provider”) always uses the user’s IP address. This is because without the IP address, they cannot send the content to the respective user’s browser. The IP address is thus required for displaying this content.
We endeavour only to use content of which the respective provider uses the IP address only for distributing the content. However, we have no influence on whether the third party provider saves the IP address for other purposes, such as statistical purposes, for example. If we are aware of this, we will clarify this in the following paragraphs.
Clicky Analytics
This site uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. ("Google") and Clicky Web Analytics. Google Analytics and Clicky use cookies to collect information about your use of the website. This information (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google and Clicky. Google and Clicky use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. These companies may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on their behalf. Google and Clicky will not associate your IP address with any other personally identifiable information. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. By using this website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google and Clicky in the manner and for the purposes set out above.
Please review the Google Analytics privacy policy and Clicky privacy policy for additional information.
In case IP-anonymisation is activated on this Service, your IP address will be truncated within the area of Member States of the European Union or other parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases the whole IP address will be first transferred to a Google server in the USA and truncated there. The IP-anonymisation is active.
Google will use this information on behalf of the operator of this Service for the purpose of evaluating your use of the Service, compiling reports on Services activity for Service operators and providing them other services relating to Service activity and internet usage.
The IP-address, that your Browser conveys within the scope of Google Analytics, will not be associated with any other data held by Google. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this Service. You can also opt-out from being tracked by Google Analytics with effect for the future by downloading and installing Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on for your current web browser:
Data processing by Facebook
If the Service is to be carried out within the Facebook platform, the Facebook privacy statement at applies to the data collection carried out by Facebook.
Use of Facebook Social Plugins
Our Service uses social plugins ("plugins") provided by the social network Facebook, which is operated by Facebook Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA, or if you live in the European Union, Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Irland ("Facebook"). The plugins are usually identifiable by a Facebook logo (e.g. letter f on blue background or a thumb up icon). For a full list of all social Plugins please see
When you visit a page of our Service that contains a social plugin, your browser establishes a direct connection to Facebook servers. Facebook directly transfers the plugin content to your browser that embeds the latter into the Service, enabling Facebook to receive information about your having accessed the respective page of our Service. Thus we have no influence on the data gathered by the plugin and inform you according to our state of knowledge:
The embedded plugins provide Facebook with the information that you have accessed the corresponding page of our Service. If you are logged into Facebook, your visit can be assigned to your Facebook account. If you interact with the plugins, for example by clicking “Like”, or entering a comment, the corresponding information is transmitted from your browser directly to Facebook and stored by it. Even if you are not logged into Facebook, there is possibility that the plugins transmits your IP-address to Facebook.
For the information on the purpose and scope of data collection and procession by Facebook, as well as your rights in this respect and settings options for protecting your privacy please visit Facebook’s privacy policy:
If you are a Facebook member and do not want Facebook to connect the data concerning your visit to our Service with your member data already stored by Facebook, please log off from Facebook before entering our Service. Further you can block Facebook social Plugins by using add-ons for your browser, like the “Facebook Blocker”.
Facebook Remarketing
Within our services we use the "Remarketing pixels" and "Visitors Action pixels" of the social network Facebook, which is operated by Facebook Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA, or if you live in the European Union, Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Irland ("Facebook"). The Remarketing pixel allows us and Facebook to determine the relevant target audiences, in order to display advertisements (hereinafter referred to as "Facebook-Ads") in reference to potential interests of the users. We use the Remarketing pixels, because we want to display Facebook-Ads only to users, who displayed an interest in our services. The Visitors Action pixels allow us and Facebook to determine, whether our Ads were effective and satisfactory for users by being able to comprehend users actions, after they were forwarded to our services by clicking a Facebook-Ad.
When you visit our services, that include "Remarketing pixels" or "Visitors Action pixels", your browser establishes a direct connection to Facebook servers. Facebook directly transfers the Pixels' content to your browser which embeds the latter into our services, enabling Facebook to receive the relevant information and storing a cookie or on your device. The cookie allows Facebook to store the relevant information within your device and retrieve it for the above mentioned purposes. The data Facebook collects is anonymous to us, thus does not reveal any personally identifiable information on you. However, Facebook may connect the data with your user profile within its network. Facebook processes your data in accordance with its privacy policy, therefore you'll get there more information on the "Remarketing pixels" or "Visitors Action pixels" and generally on Facebook Ads:
In case you want to opt out of being subject to our and Facebook's use of "Remarketing pixels" and "Visitors Action pixels" please use Facebook's opt-out settings provided within your user profile: The settings are profile related, which means they apply to desktop as well as to mobile devices.
Use of StatCounter
This Service uses StatCounter, a web analysis service offered by the company StatCounter (, and what are known as “cookies”, text files stored on users’ computers that make it possible to carry out an analysis of their use of the Service. The information generated by the cookie by the use of this Service (including the IP address) is transmitted to and stored on a StatCounter server.
StatCounter will use this information to evaluate the use of the Service, compile reports on Service activity for the operator of the site and perform further services associated with use of the Service and the Internet. StatCounter will also, where appropriate, transfer this information to third parties if this is a statutory obligation or if third parties have been commissioned to process these data on StatCounter’s behalf.
Google AdWords & Admob
We use Google AdWords (and Admob) remarketing and its conversion-tracking tool in order to measure the conversion of our Google AdWords ads. The cookie will be set if you click a Google AdWords ad. These cookies will be stored for 30 days. They tell Google and us only that the ad was clicked and that it led you to our Service. It will not collect any personally identifiable information on you.
If you want to opt out from Google's Ad tracking, you may use your browser settings or the opt-out options provided by Google:
Google Double Click
This Service uses Google's Double Click Technology, a remarketing service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google's Double Click Technology uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer for Online Behavioral Advertising (OBA). The information generated by the cookie about your use of the Service will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States.
Online Behavioral Advertising uses information collected across multiple websites that you visit to predict your preferences or infer interests and to show you ads that are more likely to be of interest to you. Please visit for detailed information
You can opt out of DoubleClick's use of cookies by visiting the DoubleClick opt-out page or the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page:
Google AdSense
This Service uses Google AdSense, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc., USA (”Google”). Google AdSense uses so called ”Cookies”, which are stored on your computer, which allows analyzing the use of the Service.
Google AdSense also uses "Web Beacons" (small invisible images) to collect information. Through the use of "Web Beacons" simple actions such as the visitor traffic to the Service can be recorded and collected.
The cookie and / or Web Beacon information generated through your use of this site (including your IP address) will be send to and stored on a server of Google in the U.S. Google will use this information, to evaluate your use of the site in view of the ads, compiling reports on Service activity for Service operators and compile and provide other website activity and internet related services.
In addition, Google may also transfer this information to third parties, unless required by law or if third parties process this data on Google's behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. Storing cookies on your hard drive and the display of Web Beacons you can prevent, by pointing your browser settings to ”Do not accept cookies”. However, we point out, that in this case perhaps not all the features of this site can be used to their full extent.
By using this site you agree to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner described above and for the purposes set.
Personalized Advertisements by Criteo
We display personalized advertising based on personal information about customers, such as visits to our Service and use of our services. Although we do not provide any personal information to advertisers, advertisers (including ad-serving companies) may assume that users who interact with or click on a personalized advertisement meet the criteria used to personalize the ad. Our site may include third-party advertising and links to other Web sites. We do not provide any personally identifiable customer information to third party advertisers or third-party Web sites. These third-party websites and advertisers, or Internet advertising companies working on their behalf, sometimes use technology to send (or "serve") the advertisements that appear on our Service directly to your browser. They may use cookies, JavaScript, web beacons (also known as action tags or single-pixel gifs), and other technologies to measure the effectiveness of their ads and to personalize advertising content. We do not have access to or control over cookies or other features that they may use, and the information practices of these advertisers and third-party websites are not covered by this Privacy Notice. Please contact them directly for more information about their privacy practices.
If you do not want to receive ads displayed by Criteo, you can disable the display of Criteo ads here:
We use the remarketing and ad technology provided by Taboola, Inc., Kings Court, 2-16 Goodge Street, 2nd fl., London W1T 2QA in order to improve the relevance of the advertising presented to consumers. The pseudonymous information, that might be stored in cookies on your device, includes technical browser and system information, details of how you used our service, such as your navigation paths the referring site, application, or service as well as might be combined with such data collected on other sources. Taboola might also use "Web Beacons" (small invisible images) to collect information. Through the use of "Web Beacons" simple actions such as the visitor traffic to the website can be pseudonymously recorded and collected. 
For information regarding the scope of data collection and further processing and usage by Taboola, as well as your rights and setting options pertaining to the protection of your privacy (including an opt-out from being tracked by Taboola), please refer to Taboola's Privacy Policy:
Contact and Notices
In compliance with legal requirements we will at any time provide you with information on your personally identifiable data stored by us, free of charge and without undue delay.
Furthermore, you are free to revoke the approvals granted by confirming this Privacy Policy, at any time and with future effect. If you wish to do so, please feel free to contact us.
Necessary Amendments
We reserve the right to modify or amend this Privacy Policy with view to the provision of new services, if and to the extent necessary.
The same applies if the current Privacy Policy is found to contain any gaps. Upon such amendment, we will contact our Users by email sent to the email address provided to us.
Advertisement Consent
You agree with receiving notifications on following topics and with following content via electronic channels, like e-mail or mobile push messages: information on other applications, web sites, newsletters, games, content related to: test drives, cars, product samples, free coupons, discount offers, credits or loans, finances, insurances, investments, mobile communications, complimentary tickets, online games, travel deals, special offers, sim cards, electricity, energy related offers, telecommunication services, mail orders, imaging products, etc.
This advertisement consent applies within the countries of European Union only after an explicit consent was given within a permission dialogue. The same is true for other jurisdictions, where an explicit consent is required.
YOUR BENEFITS: Because of our relations and connections we are able to provide you with offers under beneficial conditions you would otherwise not be able to obtain.
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